Building a better aggregator


The econoblogosphere is abuzz today with yet another Seeking Alpha contributor calling it quits. This time is it is a biggie. Barry Ritholtz at the Big Picture is contemplating on pulling the plug on further contributions to Seeking Alpha. (Please note we took this step some time ago.) He notes that the relationship is largely one-sided and dilutive of his valuable “brand.” Commenters agree that continuing to work with Seeking Alpha is not in his (or his reader’s) best interest.

The challenge for less well-established bloggers is that Seeking Alpha can provide a pretty big platform. That “soapbox” is (at the moment) not replicated elsewhere. It is clear to many, like Bill Rempel, that this relationship is slanted in favor of the publisher. The bigger question is there a better way?

Seeking Alpha has built a valuable franchise using input from their “contributors.” In a recent post we noted the need for a better business model for econoblog aggregation. Consider this an invitation to continue this discussion on ways to build a better mousetrap.

One Response to “Building a better aggregator”

  1. 1 James Ledbetter

    Barry and others:

    I am in the process of building a site, spinning off of, that will aggregate financial blogs and commentary. It will not be done in a “comprehensive” way, along the lines of Seeking Alpha, but rather will be more of a “greatest hits” approach. That is, rather then seek to provide every link to every blog post from a very large list of contributors, my site – called The Big Money – will attempt to pick and choose, on a daily basis, the strongest, most acute posts from a select network of contributors.

    Anyone who would like to inquire about this is welcome to e-mail me at


    James Ledbetter
    Editor, The Big Money

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